Below are answers to some of our frequently asked questions regarding P4P’s application process, grant eligibility requirements, and funding.

For additional information, please contact Michelle Power at  978-P4P-LOVE (978-747-5683) or

  • If you are a woman who lives in Worcester County
  • If you are in active treatment or up to 6 months out of treatment
  • Individual income of $25,000 or less or a total family annual income of $42,000 or less

Eligible women can apply once a year and the amount of the grant is determined by the funds available. (Please note that we do not provide direct monetary assistance to applicants.)

Some of the ways we help:

  • Paying rent/mortgage
  • Electric bills
  • Heating oil
  • Gas cards
  • Transportation fees

To apply for the Pawsitively 4 Pink grant, please provide the following:

  • Completed application
  • Letter from the doctor that you are working with, on official letterhead
  • Proof of income

If you have any additional questions regarding Pawsitively 4 PInk’s grants, please contact Michelle Power at 978-P4P-LOVE (978-747-5683) or

  • Pawsitively 4 Pink holds four major fundraisers per calendar year, and several smaller fundraisers throughout the year
  • Local and national businesses
  • Individual contributors.

At this time, we allow one application per year. We limit the number of times a person applies and the amount of money allotted to each individual based on the amount of money P4P is able to raise throughout the year.

Please go to to see if your town is a part of Worcester County.

Once we have received a completed application, a signed HIPPA form, and a letter from the doctor treating you, the decision could take up to 4 weeks. We do our best to reply as quickly as we can, knowing that financial stress can delay the healing process.

Intake Forms