Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude

It’s often said that hard times don’t last, but the question is, how can you overcome those hard times? How can you get to the place of celebrating your resilience? When the present moment isn’t ideal, staying positive during a difficult time isn’t easy. 

First and foremost, you need to understand that difficult times do occur in life. Once you accept that fact, then you can deal with any situation head-on. If you are having difficulties financially, socially, or in terms of health, here are a few ways to help you stay positive during this difficult time until you reach the finish line.

1. Guard your mind

You are what you think. Therefore, you should filter any negative thoughts before they take up residence in your mind. It’s true that when something negative occurs in our lives, we are wired to get bombarded with negative thoughts, and unfortunately, this is very normal. But the issue isn’t those negative thoughts. The issue is how long you will let them drag you down. Choose to see the positive side of things. See yourself making it. Do not focus on the event, focus on the process of getting out of there. Having a positive mindset can make a world of a difference. 

2. Meditate

Different kinds of meditation can help you maintain a positive mindset. One method of meditation is to focus on what improves your attitude, feelings, and healing. You can even create your own personal mantra. Say something positive every morning when you wake up. Think of one thing that you can focus on and think through it with no stress or tension. You can think about your favorite memories and hold on to them. The same energy you use to focus on negative things is the same amount of energy you can use to focus on the positive. Being intentional about the energy you create around yourself is essential to staying positive. Focusing on the positive is energy conservation and can drastically improve your mental health.

3. Keep a gratitude journal

Gratitude is the antidote to a poor attitude. The best way to continually express your gratitude is by keeping a journal. Be mindful about being grateful and find something to be thankful for each day.  This way, you will give less power to negative emotions. Your mind will be programmed to think on the positive side of things. Your self-esteem will improve and instead of resenting your difficult situation, you will be thankful for something. Spending some time writing down your thoughts before you go to bed will also help you sleep better as your mind will be clear of any clutter.

4. Listen to some good music

Difficult times should not stop you from enjoying the best or your favorite things in life. Music is one of these things and all you need to do is tune in to your favorite radio station or open up that Spotify playlist. Music helps you express your feelings unashamedly. According to research, music can evoke a more positive mood. You can roar like a tiger with Katy Perry or become a survivor with Diana Ross. And if a sad song comes on air? Go through the motions, cry all the tears you want, and clear your system. After that, hold your head up high, stay positive, and keep going, because you got this.

5. Spend time with loved ones

You are the average sum of the people who you spend the most time with. So, invest your time appropriately. Think of those friends and family members who make you smile when you are feeling down. These people could be anywhere in the world, but they want to be around you. This is the support system you need since you can be your genuine self around them. Share with them, talk with them, rant, or even be silent with them. These are friends who inspire you to be courageous and spending time with such people improves your attitude and positive outlook on life. Your mind will absorb all this positivity and use it as an immune booster. Plus, such close friends are also good at ensuring you take care of yourself, even during the hardest times when you don’t feel like it.

6. Enjoy more of the sun

It’s a well-known fact that spending too much time in the sun is dangerous. However, there is also evidence that spending moderate time under the sun is good for your mood and body clock. Apply that SPF and enjoy some time soaking in the rays and getting some Vitamin D. This will not only help you sleep better and improve your circadian rhythm, but it will also cheer you up. It’s been proven that getting sun increases your serotonin which helps with anxiety and depression. Next time you have a few minutes, go for a walk, plan a picnic, or sit in the garden to help improve your mood and positive thinking. 

7. Take a walk with your PAWsitive friend

Why not get fit and have fun while doing it? Daily walks with your dog (or cat, if they want) are a great way to take your mind off things. Going on regular walks with your dog is a form of exercise that will not only benefit your physical health like your joints and muscles but will help you get your mind off things. Be present and take in the sights and sounds. Simply establish a routine to make it part of your daily life. At times you may not feel like going for a walk, but whether it’s with the help of your dog with those puppy eyes or a glance at your daily agenda, remind yourself that a little exercise and some pet therapy can do you some good.  

8. Do something nice for others

Do something for someone when they least expect it. Say a kind word or offer them some tea or baked treats. Putting a smile on someone’s face makes us feel alive and of course, makes us happier too. You get to feel that you are of value. Being kind to others creates a feeling of purpose and eliminates isolation. By doing this you will have a different perspective on life. Instead of focusing on your difficulty, you will focus on how to make the world a better place.

Always remember that you will always win with a positive attitude. This is what will change your will and let you blossom. Positive energy and thinking will help you overcome whatever difficulties come your way. Smile, laugh, cry but through it, all, remain strong because there is always sunshine after the rain.

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