While one incredible aspect of your fight against cancer is realizing the mass quantity of people in your life that deeply love and care about you, radical self-love will be what buoys you through your cancer journey.

In many ways, the externally sourced love that our friends, family, and spouses provide is one of the most beautiful things we can experience. External love is highly sought after but comes in second place after true self-love. We can practice true self-love by taking the time to understand, nourish, and care for ourselves deeply, hence providing the courage, resilience, and positivity that help remedy breast cancer.

The breast cancer journey – from diagnosis to treatment and remission – is a winding path that only one person in your life will witness every second of. That’s you. Bearing witness to your illness, struggle, and eventually overcoming cancer altogether is you; body, mind, and soul. That’s why it’s critical to give yourself the love you need, to treat every part of you with the same respect, diligence, and duty that you provide to those around you. Nourishing your body with the right food and drink, your mind with enriching books or entertaining TV shows, and your spirit with mindfulness or gratitude practice is exactly what will guide your recovery during all the highs and especially the lows.

A woman walks through a field of blooming sunflowers on a bluebird sky day, she seems to exude the essence of the importance of self-love.Self-compassion is bound to bloom

It’s easier said than done. Self-love can prove difficult for many, especially those who fall into the traditional female role; or those who have been the givers in our society rather than the receivers of selflessness and affection. It takes radical self-awareness and strength to turn that practice of giving around and, instead, aim it at ourselves. While it may be uncomfortable at first, getting used to practicing self-love provides us with the energy we need to make it through each day. There are a myriad of ways to explore and practice spiritually; from self-love affirmations, to self-love books, to even authoring a breast cancer blog that reflects on your journey and celebrates your achievements. A personal journal is another great way to let it all out – and there’s no need to be strictly positive here! Sometimes, the best way to feel heard is to let your deepest concerns and negative feelings out onto the page. Self-expression is essential to self-love; it’s important even on tougher days. Make space to listen to yourself.

Inspirational quotes about beating breast cancer and breast cancer affirmations may not be something you’ve appreciated in the past, but studies show that this intentional positivity brings self-awareness to the parts of ourselves that need it most. Many medical professionals believe that positivity affects everything from physical recovery after invasive surgeries to even lowering levels of pain and more. Many who receive their diagnosis have certain ideas regarding breast cancer. For example, some may think that the only person who is able to change the situation is the doctor, when it’s actually true that each sick individual has a certain power to shape their experience. So even if you’ve never tried it before, take a minute to say some of these self-love affirmations out loud to yourself. It’s even more helpful to repeat them while looking at yourself lovingly into a mirror. One of our favorites is “I bloom where I am planted. My roots have never been stronger.”

The silhouette of a woman practicing self-love and exercising with her arm outstretched while the sun rises behind her.Self-love sews the seeds of resilience

We strengthen our roots with self-love. Really paying attention to our needs, wants, and desires, and making sure those parts of ourselves feel heard is crucial because it’s what aids you in continuing to value yourself during such a tumultuous time. Valuing yourself in these moments when you may not feel as lovable as you once did is what builds resilience and tolerance for your lowest lows. Sometimes, knowing that you’re not alone in your experience is exactly the recognition, validation, and inspiration we need to keep going. 

Our founder Michelle shares her story here, about the realizations she had while witnessing her mother and close friends battle against cancer and the thoughtful advice she has for patients and survivors. One suggestion she has is to keep both your body and mind nourished with healthy foods. Maintaining a well-fuelled body while you fight a detrimental physical illness is one of the keys to staying positive; there is no line where the body ends and the other mind begins. Staying healthy physically is also the key to staying balanced mentally. You can find eight of her favorite recipes for fighters and survivors here.

Becoming your own best friend

For some who struggle with self-love, it helps to imagine what you would say to or do for your best friend, or imagine that you are your own child. For many, it is easiest to show those closest to us unconditional love, and tapping into that feeling you have for your best friend, spouse, children, or parents is the most effective way to start to redirect that love back to yourself. Imagine seeing a loved one struggling the way you are and imagine what you would do for them. Maybe you would go to their house to watch their favorite movie and eat popcorn side by side, or make or buy them a small gift, or even bring them a bouquet of flowers. Now, try doing one of those things for yourself. 

Another similar tool for starting your self-love journey is keeping a list of the activities and things you really enjoy – chocolate molten lava cake, listening to Fleetwood Mac, lighting a candle and drawing a bath, taking your dog for a long walk – and intentionally choose to do one of those things for yourself every day. Loving yourself throughout your cancer journey will make you endlessly compassionate towards yourself on the hard days, and motivate you to stay positive on your good days. We at Pawsitively 4 Pink know firsthand that there is no better way to spend your time than loving yourself well; you are your best asset.